Contribution Options

2024 Annual Appeal Contribution
Your gift funds CBST's uplifting services, community connection, deep Jewish learning, and bold social justice.





2024 Open Door Contribution
Donate to CBST’s Open Door fund so all may share in High Holy Days, Shabbat, Jewish festivals and learning all year, without charge.





2024 Yizkor Appeal
Remember the blessing of your loved ones with the traditional act of tzedakah.





Sponsor Shabbat Livestream

Share the joy of Shabbat, a memory, a simchah (happy occasion), livestream, or an in-person oneg* (Friday nights) or Kiddush lunch (Saturday afternoons). At a minimum of $50, tributes received by 12:00 PM on the Wednesday prior to your selected date will be acknowledged in the Shabbat program; you may personalize a 30 word tribute.

*Oneg is a casual gathering after services including food and shmoozing.

Underwriting the oneg at $1,800 or more will allow us to provide additional food, with a bountiful display.

Special cakes to mark your occasion are available at $360; please be in touch with us to make your arrangements.

Questions? Contact Diana at or 212-929-9498 x 818.


Select a future Friday evening or Saturday morning service date.

You may add a tribute of up to 30 words (in memory or in honor of a special person or occasion) in the text box provided.
Example: The Shapiro-Farber family in memory of Nathan Shapiro, z"l, on his fourth yortzeit.  A loving, generous, and kind soul - we miss him terribly and strive to follow in his footsteps.




Chai Card
Contribute in memory or in honor of a special person or occasion. CBST will send notification of your gift, without mentioning the amount.




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Social Justice

Every human being is created in the image of the divine, deserving respect and equality. Your gift keeps our Social Justice work going.




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Yortzeit Tzedakah
Make a Contribution In Memoriam. In our tradition, we offer tzedakah (charity), capturing the significance of Chai (life): “may their memory be for a blessing."



Where Needed Most / General Donation




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Donate to Another Specific Program




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CBST is a 501c3 Religious Organization. Consider a gift via Donor-Advised Fund, Required Minimum Distribution, stock transfer, foundation/trust, employer match, etc.

CBST recognizes those who leave behind their legacy: find out more information about our Ner Tamid Planned Giving Society at or email

Membership information is here.
Email for any further assistance.

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3 or 4 digit security code found on the back of your card
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CBST is a 501c3 Religious Organization. Consider a gift via donor-advised fund, stock transfer, foundation/trust, employer match, etc. Questions? Contact us at or 212-929-9498 x 818. Your contribution will not be processed until after you review your selections on the next page.