Prepare for Passover: Sell your chametz
Chametz submissions due by April 10, 2025
In addition to the halacha (Jewish Law) that prohibits eating chametz (leaven) during Pesach, we are also forbidden halachically to own chametz or even to have it on our premises. Tradition provides a legal procedure whereby we can "sell" our chametz and, an hour after the end of the holiday, purchase it back (without an actual delivery or pick-up!). Selling implies full rights of ownership, with access. This year, Rabbi Werber will serve as your "Chametz Agent," and will sell our chametz to long-time chametz holder Tasha Calhoun.
Chametz (leaven) includes any food or drink that includes wheat, barley, oats, spelt or rye (except for kosher-for-Passover matzah and its derivatives).
Selling indicates full rights of ownership.